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  1. Hi @Admin 1.Useful feature will be if the fake members can do some task, like adding a generic replays, or adding reactions (thanks/like/etc) to first posts messages. 2.Can i fake guest members as well?
  2. I want to create simple jobs, like automatically scheduling a post every X in hour Y X=day y=hour It requires custom work i believe. Please quote me in private if you are willing to do it.
  3. Hi, It's a very interesting app. To open a new topic in my forum, the user needs to insert mandatory text data in fields from another app like https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8200-template-system/ Does the app can handle this? Can the app schedule recursive different pre-made content with different topic text for each day? For example - Every Sunday - date X Every Monday - date y Every Tuesday -date w and so on..
  4. Yes. i will pm you with the login detalis.
  5. Hi, On my site, all users are displayed, not only the duplicate users. This is the problem.
  6. Hello @Admin, In the Shared Login Detector app, I see all the users in the "SHARED BY" column. Should I see only the duplicate entries? I have 41 pages - How can I quickly understand which user registered twice from this view? 10X
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