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Poke/Like/Thank This Member


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  • This app will give your members with the appropriate permissions to poke/like/thank each other.


  • After a member has been poked/liked/thanked they will receive a notification informing them of that fact.

Notification Stats:

  • The number of pokes, likes and thanks that members have recieved will be shown on their profiles and postbits.

Notification Panel:

  • Members can see and manage their own custom notifications in a new page on the navigation bar. There they can also see the custom notifications that they have given to other members as well as find members to send new custom notifications.
  • Whereas members with permissions to view all custom notifications can see them on members profiles.


  • A list of most recent custom notifications as well as most poked/liked/thanked members can be shown through widgets on your forum.


  • A list of all custom notifications given by members is logged at the app 's log page. Admins can view them, filter the results based on each notification and search through logs by senders, receivers, notification text and time frame. They can delete each notification individually or all of them in one go.
  • You can also prune automatically all custom notifications sent after a period of time.

Moderation Log:

  • Anytime someone deletes a custom notification, the action will be looged in the Moderator Logs page.

Member History Logs:

  • Custom notifications will be shown at the member history logs in the Admin Panel too.


  • You can poke/like/thank the same member only once. Members with the permissions to bypass this limit will not be affected by this restriction.
  • To prevent abuse, you can set a daily limit of how many members can receive custom notifications aand exclude groups from this limit.
  • Members can delete their own notifications, given and received. This can be enabled/disabled from the app 's settings.
  • Members with the appropriate permissions can delete all custom notifications.
  • Maximum comment characters can be set from the app 's settings.


























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10 hours ago, marco2306 said:

I installed the extension with .
I'm looking for the block code that's in the profile as I'd like to put a box of that style around there.
In which template can I find it?

Best regards

I have not added that as a template, but I have added it to the hook file directly. You can find it in the hook called displaynotificationlink.php and for the prfile section. There you can change/edit/modify it. 

  • Thanks 1
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9 hours ago, marco2306 said:

So I can only change this for all styles and not every single one?
Unfortunately that doesn't make any sense to me.
But still a good extension

Can you try to make the edits and see if they will apply on your custom themes as well? If the custom themes haven't changed their profile template from the default theme, it should work without any problem.

But if they have changed it then the code will have to be added manually there too. The same goes for any other custom app/plugin btw, not just this one.

If you will require assistance with that please let me know and I will be glad to help you.

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