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Extra Member History Logs [Version: 1.0.2]


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What does it do?

  • This app log 5 extra actions of your members and it will display them in their history logs at the Admin Panel and on a new page. The extra actions are as follow.

1. Searching Keywords

  • Whenever a member will search for something in your forum, the keyword/phrase will be logged and displayed on their member history. This can come in handy imo, as it will show you what your members are looking for, so you can make adjustements/changes accordingly to attract more members and get better results.

2. Ignoring Members

  • Whenever a member will ignore someone, it will be logged and displayed on their member history.

3) Profile Viewing

  • Whenever a member will view someone 's profile, it will be logged and displayed on their member history.

4) Forum Viewing

  • Whenever a member will visit a forum, their visit will be logged and displayed on their member history.

5) Topic Viewing

  • Whenever a member will visit a topic their visit will be logged and displayed on their member history. Visits to own topics are not logged.

6) Log In

  • Whenever a member logs in the forum, it will be logged and displayed on their member history.

7) Log Out

  • Whenever a member logs out of the forum, it will be logged and displayed on their member history.



  • The above mentioned extra member history logs will be displayed on a new page in the Admin Panel->Members->Extra History Logs. These logs can be searched for member names and time frame.  They can also be filtered based on each action. 


  • All these extra actions mentioned above, will be logged and displayed on members history from the time that the app is installed. 




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  • 11 months later...
23 hours ago, sman said:

you dont check it?

Nope. I don't have access to your main forum as that needs to be checked. Anyways, I have sent you a new cversion of the app.

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54 minutes ago, sman said:

The error are in DEV forum too, where u have provided Admin account.

Nvm, now with ur last version seems OK. Thanks!

No problem. And thank you for reporting the bug that was fixed.

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  • Admin changed the title to Extra Member History Logs [Version: 1.0.2]

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