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  1. This app will add a scheduled posts system to your forum where members with the appropriate permissions can schedule posts for topics to be published on a certain time/date. Admins can schedule posts for all members from the app 's settings Admin Panel. They can manage all members scheduled posts from the logs by viewing, editing and/or deleting them. Members with the appropriate permissions can schedule posts from their Scheduled Posts panel. After a scheduled posts has been published members will receive a notification. Admins can see who edited and/or deleted scheduled posts from the Moderators Log page.
  2. Description: This app will give the members at your forum the possibility to give karma ratings to each other. Karma ratings are positive,neutral and negative. You can set the permissions for groups to use it on a group per group basis. After a member has received a karma rating, they will receive a notification letting them know about it. The karma notification can be enabled/disabled from members notification settings page. Members can view their karma ratings that they have received on their profiles, where a new tab called Karma has been added. Members can also view the karma ratings that they have given to other members by clicking the arma I Have Given link on their drop down member links. A new page containing all the karma ratings has been added linked to the navigation bar. You can decide as to which groups can access and view it. Members can search for karma ratings at the log page based on ratings given/received by members, comments and time frame. Karma ratings can be filtered based on positive, neutral and negative ratings. Users can display the results in a descending/ascending order. Members can delete their own given, received and/or all karma ratings based on their group permissions. Members can be protected from receiving negative karma based on their group permissions. Members can give more than one karma to the same member based on their group permissions. Members can give only a certain number of karma ratings based on their group permissions. Admins can prevent banned members from receiving karma ratings. 4 karma widgets are available. Most Recent Karma, Most Positive Karma, Most Neutral Karma and Most Negative Karma. Karma stats can be shown on members profiles and postbits. Both options can be enabled/disabled from the app 's settings page. Admins can view members karma history from their history page. Whenever someone is deleting a karma rating, that action will be logged at the Moderators log page. A Chart Stats page showing the karma activity is available in the Stats page of the App 's settings.
  3. Description: This app scans the database to detect members who have rmultiple accounts at your forum, and it will list the results. Detection Method: The detection method is being done in 4 ways. 1) Registration Method: This method is based on scanning the members table for members who have registered more than one account at your forum from the same ip. The ip address in question will be displayed with the latest multiple account. When the ip address is clicked upon, it will display all the other aliases of that member. 2) Posting Method: This method is based on scanning the posts table for members who have posted from more than one account at your forum from the same ip. The ip address in question will be displayed with the latest multiple account. When the ip address is clicked upon, it will display all the other aliases of that member as well as the posts and topics that they have posted. 3) Ip Login Method: This method is based on scanning members known ip addresses, i.e. their last used ips, during the login and if a member has logged in to different accounts from the same ip, the action will be logged and displayed. 4) Device Detection Method: This is the most accurate method imo. Ipb adds a unique cookie to members devices when they log in to the forum. The cookie exparation date is set to one year and its unique string is associated with the users device and stored in the device table. This means if someone logs in to your forum, logs out and then logs in using another account and a different ip address, then it can tell that it was the same person. It means that person has to use same machine, same browser irrespective of the ip address he/she is using. Search: All 4 multiple accounts detection methods have a quick search option where you can search the resuts based on members names. Mod CP: All 4 detection methods will be available at the Mod Cp area as well. This is group permission based. The Ip Login&Device methods can be enabled/disabled individually. You can exclude a member or members from showing up in these logs. This is if you do not want your staff members to have access to those particular logs. Automated Multiple Registrations Topics: Whenever someone registers more than once account using the same ip address, an automated topic will be posted at a forum of your choice listing all the previous accounts of that member. Ip Registrations Limit: And last, but not least, this app adds an option to limit the number of registrations from the same ip and from members last used ip addresses.
  4. Description: This application will help the admins to run their forum in a calm and peaceful manner. Whenever you have a troublesome member at your forum, you can add his/her id on a global ignore list. If you enter more than one member id, you must separate them with commas. All posts and topics of the globally ignored members will be hidden completely from everyone, but the globally ignored members themselves so they do not have any idea of what is going on. Admins can select a certain group or groups that can view the hidden content. Imo this is a great way to deal with your troublesome members. You let them talk to themselves rather than banning them outright. The application also adds a new setting in the Moderator Panel where all ignored members are being showed. i.e. who is ignoring whom and what things are they ignoring.
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