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Joey_M last won the day on September 7 2023

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  1. Can any other users of this application confirm if they are able to use it with a Cronjob? Also, may I ask what server environment you are using?
  2. No, the previous version, as you mentioned, it's something with my set-up. It's just strange how it stopped working. I did wonder if the 'Live Topics' interfered with it, as I did notice it stopped after I had set a discussion live. Yet, I think that's more a coincidence.
  3. Do you use a cron job here? As I mentioned, I set up some posts and it worked flawlessly. Then after I updated the app, where the task ran every 10 minutes. It suddenly stopped. Now, I have to do it manually for it to work. I tried setting up a cronjob to see if this could make it work more reliable, it seems to be setup as the tasks run but nothing goes live. I have change the method to run against the traffic but still nothing. 😞
  4. I have shown this to a few of my community members. They're all impressed. One thing that came up, is the ability to leave comments in other areas. Which, I think perhaps you might consider at a later date as an add-on to this app? The ability to post to a database (IP.Pages) content, blogs, downloads, etc would take this to a whole new level. If you did, I would have no problem paying for the add-on as I don't think it should be requested under this app as it stands. Yet, I think you may get a lot more sales with this and any potential add-ons. Something to pitch and think on. 🙂
  5. Would you please add in a future update the ability for the permissions to be expanded to secondary groups? i.e the app also checks for secondary user groups.
  6. This is a very good application that will help people who travel a lot but still want to be active within their forum. Impressive!
  7. How are the posts stored before they go live? The post are not physical posts until they go live correct? Thank you for explaining. I'd like to buy this application please.
  8. LIKE... LIKE... LIKE... LIKE... I can't like this enough! Can other members see that these posts are scheduled? What about general members or other team members of lower rank? Last question, what's the app price? Great job with this. 😄
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