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sman last won the day on August 5 2024

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  1. seems u dint give a ***, i sent u all you need to fix it (my clean install dev forum only with plugin) https://postimg.cc/p9JFNB35 this is the second time you've behaved like this with a buggy plugin
  2. i use this version
  3. Bug it's 100% from of app. I tested on fresh 4.7.19
  4. hello again, unfortunately I found a new bug, this is what it looks like with app on: and its fine with app off: the big problem is that it doubles the posts in the topic! Can u fix it ?
  5. so it's still active on the forum, but you refuse to fix it...what the hell is going on?
  6. At least, can you fix this bug? https://www.yourforumservices.com/index.php?app=ourtoptopics&module=ourtoptopics&controller=ourtoptopics&chartId=_default since October 1st you keep telling me IN PM that you'll fix it and keep telling me "next weekend" I write here, maybe I have a better chance of doing something about it😞
  7. hi, i found new error, somth trigger by a Guests:
  8. The error are in DEV forum too, where u have provided Admin account. Nvm, now with ur last version seems OK. Thanks!
  9. u can see it in ur dev admin account.
  10. I sent you a PM, thank you
  11. I will do it tomorrow on the development forum by PM, but first I have to reproduce the error. Thanks for help
  12. You don't seem to respond to PMs, and here days late. That's a bit sad because I plan to buy more plugins. I repeat my question, how can I set number of minutes of online session for Random Fake members? I don't remember to saw Random Fake online 😞
  13. HI, I saw you online. What happens if I haven't received support for the purchased plugins for 2 days? is something wrong?
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